Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Famous Last Words Week 5

Beautiful Young Lady

You beautiful young lady,
Why do they advertise to you this image of attraction to sell you,
The lipstick,
The jewelry,
The fashionable clothes that make up the foundation of what they want you to believe will bring you popularity, beauty, and womanhood,
That foundation that sits on sand and pebbles resting on the grave of true womanly strength,
Their image of beauty is a,
That they want you to believe so that they can sell you the fantasy through products,
And yet by millions you,
Down on the operating table to augment what god has created,
Hoping to attain that dream of beauty that man has created,
Younger and younger each year you try to reach that false image of what it means to be beautiful,
I say don’t do it,
Because I think you are beautiful,
Do you hear me,
I say you are beautiful and I have never seen you,
Faithfully still I say you are beautiful because that is how you were born,
It is not you that needs to be changed, but rather it is our society that needs to be placed on the operating table,
Forced to augment itself to become beautiful again,
Because it is not your makeup,
Your mini skirts,
Your high heels,
The size of your breasts,
Or how willing you are to allow yourself to be objectified that makes you beautiful,
That is just what they want you to believe,
That is a perversion they sell you in hopes of getting you to prostitute your soul for their financial gain,
Trust my words young woman,
Your beauty lies in the person you were born to be,
Your beauty lies in the life you can create,
Your beauty lies in the hopes and dreams you created for yourself and not the dreams they sold to you,
Because your Prada purse is full, yet you feel empty,
Real beauty is not a name brand it is a name,
It’s your name,
And there is no need to buy what you already have…..

Author's Notes
I hate that young women are shown at a young age images of the "Ideal woman." I think young women are shown images of beauty that are an impossible fantasy. These images are altered to make these women look the way they do. This put women at a very young age under a huge amount of stress to try to achieve this image and I think that advertisers should stop flooding young women on a constant basis. I have three young nieces and I am appalled at the goals set for them by advertisers. Kids should be allowed to be kids and given time to develop their identities so that they can decide what they want in life. I am not saying that wanting these clothes,jewelery,makeup,and ect. is a bad thing. It is ok for a woman to want those things. It is not ok for women to be pressured to feel that they need those things or else they are somehow less of a human being than other women or worse yet somehow ugly because they don't have them.

Picture attribution
"MICHALSKY StyleNite SS13 Stage" by LakeviewEN - Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -


  1. Once again, I am astonished by your poetry. It's so vivid and emotional and compelling, I'm completely in awe. This poem in particular strikes a chord with me, because lately my friends and I have been discussing the pervasiveness of media and advertising and how that influences perception of self-image and therefore confidence and self-respect. Though I must say, none of us were able to portray our thoughts as elegantly as this. I will definitely keep an eye out for more of your posts/poetry!

  2. Hey Joe, I think this was super fun to read and follow. I think you are very creative and super honest. I love how you chose to work on this as your storytelling I think it is super unique and something very unexpected but I did enjoy reading it. I think you are a great writer as well. Great job!
