Sunday, August 31, 2014

Famous Last Words Part 1

I have always liked writing.

At the end of last semester I received an email from my Poetry Professor. This was one of the most horrible emails I had ever received. In the email the professor lobbed personal attacks towards me, and the worst part of all is that it was done under the guise of being an attempt to give me feedback. After reading the letter I have to be quite honest in saying that I almost decided to bring this professor to the board for her hate filled letter but, after conversations with other professors and students I decided to just let it go because sometimes it is best to turn the other cheek and move on. I don't wanna speak ill of anyone so that is all I will say about the letter.

The reason I brought it up was because the letter was not the first time someone in life has made cruel remarks towards me. My entire life I have always been the type of person that people either loved or hated. People that love me, really love me, and people that hate me, really hate me. There is no middle ground, and for some reason people always feel the need to express their dislike of me, to me in some form or another. Most times the hate is irrational and I actually understand it. I'm a big guy, with a loud voice, that talks with his hands, and is willing to argue a point, but I am not a malicious person. In fact I'm the type of person that when I do hurt someone's feelings, or anger someone it bothers me. At the same time even though these people do hate me I myself have no ill will to anyone. The reason I feel the need to express all this is because I know what it is like to be judged by people that have no idea about who I truly am and no nothing of my character.

I have always liked writing. It is the one place where I feel that I am given the fair chance to express myself without being judged on how I look, or the loudness of my voice. I love seeing people who know me read something I have put on paper and watching the look on their faces when they realize that I am a person with a warm heart, and that even though I walk like I own the world and am completely unaware of the plight of my fellow man, that in fact that is just a facade I put up. When I write I get to put my heart on to paper in poetry, show my empathy in my stories, and just finally be myself, which is the most crazy thing of all. It is in my writing where people can finally find me and discover who I am and yet they couldn't pick me out of a crowd.

So for the remainder of the semester my Famous last words will be some of my writing starting here in week 2 in part 2 of the famous last words with a poem....most weeks I will do a two part post, one will be the writing and part two will be a kind of chicken noodle soup for your soul type of thing about the writing. Enjoy part two.

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