this version has a geneology tree
Duryodhana thinks about bribing Drupada to isolate or kill the Pandavas
Dhritarashtra has trouble making a decision because he is at odds with his sons
Drona Says he saw krishna in Drupada and his sons camp
Vidura goes to Panchala with gifts for the king
The king invites the Pandavas to return to Hastinapura
Duryodhana thinks that he and his family are doomed
Arjuna has the bow Gandiva so Sakuni thinks that they should be left alone and not challenged to war
The bow is a gift from Agni
Though they are treated with respect and kindness Duryodhana beleives they are being taunted...He is jealous
Sakimi tells him to give up on challenging them to war again
Dhritarashtra builds a marble Hall
Dhritarashtra invites everyone to the Hall the Cyrstal palace to gamble
Yudhistira tells everyone not to cheat
Sakuni tells him that it is not deceit to play and win if you are competent
Sakuni says if Yudhistira does not feel up to playing then they should not play at all
Yudhistira accepts this challenge
Yudhistira is being tricked
He was giving warning about this in the past
He agrees to play even though he says that Sukini can not play by proxy
Sakuni wins over and over again in the dice game
Sakuni taunts Yudhistira and this angers Yudhistira
Yudhistira loses almost everything
Yudhisitra demands the game be stopped
The howling Jackal is Duryodhana and he is called evil by Yudhistira
Vidura warns that if this continues Dhritarashtra's family will be destroyed
He orders Dhritarashatra to have Dhananjaya to kill Duryodhana in order to save his race
Vidura knows that Sakuni is using deciet to win he is cheating
Duryodhana becomes annoyed and says that Vidura is a friend of their enemies and owes the sons of Dhritarashatra a debt
Yudhistira bets his youngest Brother Nakula and loses
Yudhistira nexts bets Sahadeva and loses
Sakuni wins Arjuna
Then Yudhistira bets himself and all that he has
Sakuni wins
Yudhistira bets Panchali and loses
Duryohana orders Vidura to get Panchali
Vidura is angered
The plan to create inner fighting in Yudhistira is working because the people are begining to ask who was lost first
Karna Dussasana and Sakuni laugh and Panchali and call her a slave
Draupadi calls them cheaters and says this game was not fair because the other side took advantage of Yudhistira and that they did not offer up an equal bet
Bhima tells Yudihistira that he was a fool and that he will burn his hands
Bhima and Arjuna blame Yudhistira
Karna says that the game was legit because Yudhistira knew what he was doing and did so of his own free will
Dhristarashtra summons Draupadi and offers her boons
She asks for Yudhistira to be freed from slavery, his brothers to also be freed and she does not use the third wish
Yudhistira is sentenced to wander in exile and others follow him
Yudhistira feels guilty for involving his family in his mistake
Vidura comes to Yudhistira while in exile and Yudhistira wonders if he being summoned to another dice game
Dhritarashtra feels guilty for banishing the a Pandavas to exile
Vyasa tells Dhritarashtra to makes peace because his brothers son's are only 5 and he has hundreds and there is no reason to envy them
Krishna tells Yudhistira that he had to be away on another mission otherwise he would have stopped the game of dice
After Krishna leaves Draupadi and Yudhistira argue because Yudhistira is too forgiving and not angry at his brother
Yudhitira tells her that anger is destructive
Yudhitira also tells her that her language is slanderous to God
She tells him that is not her intent
Yudhitira admits that he participated in the Dice game in the hopes of winning the entire kingdom from his brother
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