Me, Myself, and I Drank the Water
By Dimcioassie (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
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Personal Pic from September 2013 |
“Listen I don’t care if you Daddy did own the last dealership you worked at, here you two are just a couple of Green Peas. If you don’t sell a car on your first day then you don’t have a job on your second day. Do you understand what I am sayig, and since your daddy exiled you from his car lot this is the only place you can go, so I suggest you get out there on point and take some Ups”
The birds there they go again, what are they saying, I think I can understand them, I know I need to listen to them.
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Picture of a crow by minicooper93402 websource |
“We know who you are, we will serve you well, one of us now and the other later, the water, the water, the impala, the zoo, the mall, we know who you are and we will serve you well”
Where at they goin? Wait what did you mean? Come back here! Don’t leave you stupid birds! Oh there I am by that car that just pulled in, is that who I think it is, oh my god it is, it’s Sara Thompson. Look at her, she looks exactly the same. Nothing about her is different, still so stunning, I can barely catch my breath from looking at her.
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Created By Prairie Kittin Persephone, Goddess of Spring Created for Marcus Ranum Challenge #70License |
What am I doing, is she here to buy a car? Who is with her, is that her dad? This is different than I remember, I did not sell her a car today, I didn’t talk to anyone, I came to work, went to my office got a drink of water and passed out. Come on let’s go to my office and check the calendar, yeah see it is the same day. Oh here I come, look I have the same clothes on but my face is different. See look I just tripped and fell against the wall and knocked the picture off the wall, but that isn’t how I remember it happening. Wait I think I understand now, come with me to the kitchen I have an idea.
Here look, I am gonna try to open this fridge, see it works. The water, yeah if I can pour them out I can stop the universes from being destroyed. I don’t know why, but for some reason after I drank this water everything changed, it’s like it set off a chain of events that rippled through the universes, but if I can stop it from happening, well just trust me everything will work out fine, yeah I understand it now.
I can’t touch the water, this is weird, I mean I can touch other things but I can’t touch the water, it’s like reaching for a ghost. Wait I have an idea, hand me that sticky note, I must not have been the first one of us to figure this out. Ok here put that note on the water. There that should do it, unless it was me that wrote do not drink to myself before, but maybe this me will listen.
Here I come, no, no, no stupid stay away from the water, don’t drink it. Oh I hate this part, wait, why am I feeling like this again. I can feel it, I hate this part, it’s different than before, like all of us are being pulled into one, oh the room it’s spinning, I can feel myself falling this is going to hurt……..
Authors Notes:
Okay, this part of the story is not going to make much sense, actually even less sense than the rest of the story, yes this is still a retelling of the Ramayana, and if you pay attention at the beginning you will catch on that this is part that Rama has been exiled into the wilderness, though as I have said this is a retelling so one key part, the marriage of Rama and Sita is a bit out of sequence. This is an important part of the story because at this point in the story some of the things that made no sense will begin to be answered, this is really a two part storytelling post, so next week post will pick up where this one left off and the story will be told in a more linear fashion, along with a change in voice, so far this story has been told in third person storytelling, and that will continue but it will be a little different.
I gotta say man, I really like the approach you're taking to the storytelling assignments. I like the fact that they're sort of hard to figure out in the beginning, only to be pretty obvious toward the end. Your author's note does a good job of explaining anything that someone might have missed the first time through. Keep this up, man! You might have enough material to publish your own version of the Ramayana! :P