One of the great things about this class is the creativity that the writing assignments allow for, though we were given general topics, how we chose to approach that topic was completely up to us. This stories written about the exact same subject matter individual reading experiences. Also because we had to read other people's posts this allowed us to look at the subject matter from a different perspective. There was an exchange of ideas between authors simply by reading each other's work. This worked towards causing a creativity salad among the students in the class. Each week I would read someone's post and it made me want to improve and create something the next week that would make someone want to step it up in the same way the following week. It was sort of a competition for me to read something by someone like Jessica Akerman and see how she would manipulate imagery, or go to Kerrti's storybook and constantly compare it to my own because she had the cleanest layout. This was not a class of individual group projects but rather it was a group of creative people working together on one project which was building the most creative writing enviroment possible.
I would simply change two things in the class.
1. Remove the Diary posts....We have enough to do in this class without the redundant check of a diary. The storytelling posts are enough to see if the reading was completed.
2. I want a recount!!!!!!!!!!!!! I looked at all the contestants storybooks and I have to say I believe there were some hanging chads!!!!!!!!! No way I didn't win!!!!! I retold the entire Ramayana in 4 poems, do you know how hard that was???????? Seriously hard!!!!! I will say congrats to the winner, their storybook was great (If you like pics of cute kids and stories that make you smile....Pshhhhh who likes happiness? Not me lol), but I am a little partial to mine is all I am saying. I mean I think there was some absentee ballots, or maybe I was swiftboated, and not to mention there was televised debate and what is an election without a good ole fashioned debate.