The monkey and the Crocodile
This sounds like the frog and scorpion story
The croc is trying to kill the monkey for his mother
The monkey is smart to tell the croc he left his heart on the shore
This seems to be a story about out witting your enemy and then having your enemy find respect for you
How the Turtle Saved His Own Life
The boys think the turtle is a demon
The king orders the turtle to be killed
The turtle tricks the men into thinking that throwing him back into the lake is a horrible thing for the turtle
The Turtle who couldn’t stop talking
The Geese ask the turtle to come home with them
They tell the turtle he can not talk on the flight home
But the turtle does talk and falls to his death
The Ox Who Won The Forfeit
The man treats his ox bad and the ox refuses to pull the carts and loses money
The Ox and the man talk and the man realizes he was at fault and swears to never treat the ox bad again and the Ox goes back and does the work and the man wins his money back
The Quarrel of the Quails
The leader of the Quails comes up with a plan to keep the quails from being captured
The quails refuse to work together because of a misunderstanding so they are captured
The foolish, Timid Rabbit
The rabbit allows his imagination to scare him so when he hears a noise he panics
This panic causes all the other animals to panic
The lion steps in and calms everyone by getting to the bottom of things
The Banyan Deer
The deer are being killed
So the two deer kings agree to sacrafice one deer from each of their herd each day by taking turns
A mother deer is to be killed and the Banyan Deer takes her place
His life and all the deer’s lives are spared
The Princes and the Water-Sprite
The king had three sons
The star, moon, and sun princes
The king promised the Sun Prince’s mother a Boon and on his 21st birthday she asked him to make her son king
A water sprite traps the two younger brothers
The oldest brother passes the water sprite’s test and saves both brothers
The King’s White Elephant
An elephant has a splinter in its foot
To pay the carpenters back for taking out the splinter the elephant does work for them
The elephant has a son and teaches him to work hard
A king sees this and buys the elephant and the young elephant has a good life
The Ox Who Envied the Pig
To oxen on a farm
One becomes jealous because a pig is fed better
The older ox tells him not to be jealous
The pig is killed for a feast and the young ox understands not to be jealous
The Crab and the Crane
A crane tricks a bunch of fish in a dry pond into being eaten
The crane sees a crab and tries to do the same thing
When the crane gets the crab to the place that the fish were eaten the crab cuts off his neck
The Girl Monkey and the String of Pearls
A girl monkey sees a queen put her pearls in a box
The girl monkey steals the pearls and hides them
The guard comes up with a plan to trick the girl monkey
He throws a bunch of glass beads and all the monkeys come down and take them except the girl monkey
To make the other monkeys jealous the girl monkey puts on the pearls and is caught
The Three Fish
Three fish live in a river names Thoughtful, very thoughtful, and thoughtless
Thoughtful and thoughtless are captured in a fishermen’s net
Very thoughtful tricks the fisherman into thinking there is a hole in his net so he releases the two other fish by mistake
The Tricky Wolf and the Rats
The wolf wants to eat the Rats
The wolf tricks the rats into thinking he is injured and each day he eats a rat
The chief of the rats begins to suspect the wolf is eating them each day and sets a trap
The chief of the rats kills the wolf